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Competition Classes

Shape 30+                           One Class

Novice Shape                      One Class

Open Shape                        One Class

International Shape*            One Class

2. Category Description

The Shape Class differs from the Figure Class in that:

  • The ideal objective should be to achieve good symmetry and athletic tone. A Shape Woman should not have body fat percentage as low as that of the Figure Women

  • Presentation, Deportment and Preparation take an increased importance in the Shape Class, as these qualities enhance the feminine aspect of shape athletes.

  • The degree of muscular development is much lower than that which is necessary for the Figure Class.

  • The emphasis is on ‘shape’, not muscularity. There should be no vascularity visible.


The athlete must perform an Individual Round - T Walk Showing Personality, Stage Presence and Poise

Please Note: There is no individual routine for this class Athletes will come on stage individually and perform a stage walk with an optional pause or pose, before forming/joining a line-up at the rear of the stage. 

Athletes will now choose their own 60 second duration music for the T-Walk

- Walk on stage to rear center stage, pause briefly in a stance/pose of your choice

- Walk forward to front center stage (pause in stance or pose)

- Walk to stage left front

- Walk to stage right front

- Walk back to front center stage

- Turn and walk to rear of stage in a semi-relaxed stance

- Athletes will form a line-up at the rear of the stage (left to right in numerical order). Once all athletes are in the line-up, the lineup will be instructed to walk forward to the front of the stage, where they will hold a semi-relaxed stance, before being instructed to leave the stage.

Comparison Round - Symmetry and Required Stances

In line-up the athletes will directed to go through four quarter turns to the right:

  • Front Stance two arms up

  • Side Stance one arm up

  • Rear Stance two arms up

  • Rear Stance arms down

  • Side Stance one arm up

  • Front Stance two arms down


Please Note: Arm extension will be at 90˚. Leg Position optional


Class Requirements:

  • A posing bikini must be worn for both rounds (NOT fitness/aerobic apparel) The bodybuilding bikini is more flattering to the figure, pertaining to the ‘symmetry’ of the shape class. The bikini straps coming up higher on the hips make the legs look longer and the waist look narrower. The ‘bikini’ class style bikini, sitting straight across the hip line, cuts the body, and cuts the leg line.

  • Jewellery and accessories are optional, but should not distract from the body

  • Shoes must be worn   


Judging is scored by ranking

Please Note: There is a Novice Class, a 30 Years + Class, and an Open Class






PO Box 535

Palmerston North

(06) 356 1570

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